You can easily learn to play the harmonica!
If you want to learn how to play the harmonica, the best thing to do is to pick one up. Although there are hundreds of programs offering sheet music and instructions, it might be best for you to start experimenting on your own, because playing the harmonica isn’t really difficult. You can start on your own and later get formal instructions from various harmonica masters.
If you follow my advice, you will gain what is most valuable: your own ideas and understanding of the instrument. I personally learned to play the harmonica about seven years ago and most of the time I experimented on my own, although I admit to using formal instruction from time to time as well.
Since the harmonica is intuitively arranged, learning to play it on your own is not a difficult task and it is worth a try. You can purchase a harmonica with a small introductory packet explaining the layout included in the box. What is important to know is that everything is already settled in the agreements. You should play most genres of music on a ten-hole rich, or diatonic, harp, which gives you the opportunity to choose basic melodies when you first try playing the harmonica. Having the basic knowledge, you can easily improve your skills by regularly practicing this beautiful instrument.
If you have already learned the basics, then you might consider getting professional help. Of course, you can start taking harmonica lessons with a teacher or you can simply start listening to harmonica music played by other musicians. They say music is the best teacher, so why not try the second option? In case you do so, you will have many new ideas and on top of that, playing the harmonica could allow you to give your own musical expressions that will add to your repertoire.
If you choose to have a harmonica teacher, check that they are experts in the same style of playing that you want. For example, imagine you learned to play the harmonica in the Chicago bells mode, then you couldn’t play bluegrass or country blues harp because all of these styles are very different.
Originally posted 2019-02-17 10:37:14 .