Do you dare to play the double bass?

Par LaSalleDeMusique
Do you dare to play the double bass?

Playing a musical instrument is great fun, whether alone or in a group, such as an orchestra, chamber group, or rock band. But there are plenty of instruments to choose from. The double bass is one of them. You may need more information to decide whether you dare to play the double bass.

The double bass is derived from the violin, the bass member of the viol family, and is the largest, lower member of the bowed string family, with the violin, viola, and cello being the others. The name came about when the instrument was used to double the bass part written for cello.

Double basses can vary in appearance and sound between them because there is no standardized shape. There are influences from the violin family and the viola family. They are closer in construction to the violin family with a similar sounding body, two f-shaped soundholes, bridge, scrollwork, and tailpiece. They may have round, carved backs similar to those of the violin family or flat, sloping backs similar to those of the violin family or sloping shoulders and sloping backs that differ from those of the violin family. But all double basses are fretless like the violin family and unlike the viol family, they have a metal end cap at the bass of the instrument to place it on the ground and have metal machine heads located at nod your head for agreement. This construction of the tuning peg differs from that of the violin, viola and cello which have tuning pegs. A worm gear winds the strings and tunes the string to the desired sound. Double basses are made of wood with the parts glued together, except for the bridge, bridge, and tailpiece, which are held in place by the tension of the strings.

The double bass had three strings at first, but it usually has four strings which are E A D G. Occasionally a double bass has five strings with the 5th string sounding B below the E. Tuning is done in quarters, i.e. -say the distance between the strings is four note names, for example E to A – E F G A. Musicians can use an external source like another instrument to tune. Strings were generally made of gut before the 20th century, but today they are mainly made of steel. This is because steel is stronger, produces greater volume with the bow, holds up better in the field, and is less likely to change with humidity and temperatures.

The bows are made from a variety of wood, fiberglass and carbon fiber and vary in length. They are strung with white or black horsehair or both to give varied tones. There are two main types of bow, the French bow, similar to bows of other members of the stringed bow family and the German bow which is shorter, wider and held differently. They are worked a little differently, but both types are used in modern orchestras. Rosin is used on the horsehair to help grip the string and make it vibrate.

Due to the size of the double bass, it is played standing or perched on a high stool. It can be physically demanding to play the double bass because the strings are large and thick and the space between notes on the fingerboard is large, requiring bass players to change positions frequently. It is a heavy instrument to carry. However, there are a variety of small-sized double basses, which means that younger children can start learning the instrument.

The music is written on the bass key staff. The range of the double bass is a little less than three octaves from E, a little more than an octave lower than the bass staff.
Sounds are produced when the bow is held in the right hand and moved across the strings while the fingers of the left hand are pressed down on the fingerboard. The volume is lower compared to other instruments because it produces a deeper sound.

The double bass can be seen in the string section of the symphony orchestra, which has eight small string orchestras, jazz and dance orchestras. The instrument can play a variety of music, including disco, jazz, blues, rock and roll, traditional country music, bluegrass and tango.

Do you have an idea of ​​what the bass and the types of bands and music she usually plays.

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Originally posted 2019-02-14 11:53:17 .