7 things not to do for successful improvisation

1. Don’t try to shake things up. Trying to block the creative flow will result in blockages.
2. Don’t expect to create something good. Expectations will always come with judgments and as a result, you will end up feeling disappointed.
3. Don’t worry about what “comes out.” Improvisation is about play and the freedom to explore. Let go of unrealistic expectations and experience the joy of improvisation.
4. Don’t try to please others. The first person you have to please is yourself. This may seem obvious, but don’t underestimate the need to please – ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES IN THE ARTS!
5. Don’t try to accumulate a lot of knowledge. All it takes to improvise is a few chords and the right attitude.
6. Don’t think. Improvisation is about AWARENESS. It’s about being in the moment and experiencing the moment through music. Thinking will take you away from your intuition, which will guide you if you listen to it. Intuition will take you to places you thought you could never!
7. Don’t give up. Practice is what makes intuition stronger. The more you practice or play, the more your intuition will grow and the more you will trust it. Your unique voice will emerge and grow stronger every time you sit down to play.
Originally posted 2019-03-07 10:23:48 .